Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Goodbye MS Paint! – Microsoft announces, ‘deprecated feature’ is getting called off

If you were a 90’s kid, the earliest form of entertainment for you on the PC was nothing but MS Paint. Long before computer games became a part of our world, MS Paint was present and ruling the screens. But hey, times have changed. We have better applications like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop and we have plenty of other entertainment methods. The fact of the matter is, that even though the app was used for entertainment purposes, it was made for recreational purposes. Nevertheless, after years of neglection, Microsoft has finally considered MS Paint as a ‘deprecated feature’ and has chosen to discontinue it from the Windows 10 Creators Update due to release this fall.

It might not seem like it but MS Paint has been a huge part of Windows but it has completed a long course with Microsoft. The feature is part of Microsoft Windows since the release of Windows 1.0 back in 1985. The image editor might have had poor features as compared to image editors that we have today, but it has played a significant role as part of the operating system. Its legacy might be associated with poorly designed artworks but it has had its essential importance for its users.

Also Read: Pokémon Go Reign – Augmented Reality Game Still On Top

Nevertheless, ‘deprecated’ doesn’t really mean the feature is going to disappear right away. There’s still no date available for when the release will be rolling out and what will be the right time for us to say goodbye to this memorable editor. However, this does mean that it’s time to say farewell to another important part of our nostalgia and childhood. As the The Verge mentioned in their recent article, Microsoft shouldn’t forget to pour one out for MS Paint. The app has and always will be an essential part in the legacy of Microsoft Windows.

Is It Smart To Modify Your Application Idea?

We’ve said it time and time again that the idea behind your application is perhaps the most important asset that you have. It is the one thing that your app is based off and it is the only thing that can make sure your application is a success. But hey, do you think your application idea is always going to be successful? Well, if you’re certain then you’re badly mistaken.

There are hundreds of things that can go wrong with your application’s idea. So, does that mean you stop creating your app in the first place? Of course not. For a hundred problems, there are hundreds of solutions. One very common solution amongst all of these solutions is application idea modification.

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So, what exactly is Application Idea Modification?
It’s pretty self-explanatory when you read the term ‘Application Idea Modification’ but let us elaborate it a bit further anyway. Any modifications made to the idea of the application can be called as app idea modification.

There are several ways you can modify your Application Idea. From addition or subtraction of any feature to the original set of features to changing the UI completely or moderately. Any and every change to the original idea of your application counts as Application Idea Modification.

Well, Is it okay to go for Application Idea Modification?
Technically speaking, app idea modification depends on the situation. If you think that you want to modify the original application idea solely because you think the app won’t succeed, you need to stop and research. Research is key when it comes to application success. Let’s say even after research your idea doesn’t make it big, that’s when you need to focus on where you’re going wrong and modify that sole area.

For instance: In-app ads don’t seem to be working out for you and are affecting your overall ROI. What do you do remove the in-app ads from the specific screen where it seems to be causing problems. Not entirely off the application. Application idea is sacred and shouldn’t be modified wildly, but editing it slightly for the better can’t be of any harm.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Pokémon Go Reign – Augmented Reality Game Still On Top

July 2016 was the time when superhit AR game Pokémon Go made the scene.  Undoubtedly, it was the first Augmented Reality game of its kind that the users got to experience. Not just games, even applications of different sorts that featured Augmented Reality never made it to the level this game did.
According to an article on Recode, the game reached around 90 million downloads in the first three weeks of its release. Even after an entire year, the record remains unbroken. In fact, even after a year the decline in downloads reached merely a million downloads per week. Regardless, it’s easily the biggest launch of the past year. Nintendo’s long-awaited Mario Run that released on the iPhone very recently was the one that comes slightly close. Mario Run averaged around 44 million downloads in its best week. The download then reached a low and spiked later this spring. Proof that even the biggest of launches reached a fraction of what Pokémon Go achieved and is still maintaining to achieve.
What’s weird is that even Facebook’s top download peaked at around 14.5 million. So, is that the creative length that people can get to? Is Pokémon Go the bar set by Augmented Reality App Development Companies in USA, Canada, UK or all over the world? Well, till the next game comes out that question remains unanswered. Our app development experts at CMOLDS believe that there just might be better augmented reality products. AR games and applications take a while to get designed and developed because of their unique and amazing features.
Ever since the release of Pokémon Go, thousands of Augmented Reality applications have reached development phase but are somehow still in the development phase. Our application development team at CMOLDS is currently working on some of the best AR application ideas that will reach their peak. Think you have an AR App idea that will reach the top? Reach us at CMOLDS app development agency today.

Google To Introduce Newsfeed Feature to Website and Application

Search engine giant Google is now on the move to create a newsfeed for its website and additionally its application as well. Yes, you’re right! This means the official end of Google Now as all the elements of Google Now such as the news cards, Google assistant etc. are part of the native Google application. The feature will reportedly start ruling out soon to both iOS and Android devices. In addition, the newsfeed feature will also be available on the web. This means we might be saying goodbye to the plain and classic Google homepage with just the search bar.
The good side? You will finally be able to see newsfeed cards that are the customized to the searches that you perform. What this means is, you’ll be getting weather updates, music, news, match scores and much more depending on your preference. Google is additionally considering this Google feature to somehow become the homepage for chrome.
Apparently, there will also be an additional feature for the user to tap on the follow button and add interests to the newsfeed. This option was additionally available in the Google Now application where users can add their interests in the backend. Additionally, sources say that Google is aware of the attention being given to rival Facebook and its newsfeed mainly why this step is being taken. Google’s main mode of business and revenue is studying human analytics and serving ample targeted advertisement to them. However, with Facebook providing great means of content and advertisement, Google is lacing up its strategies. This new feature will allow Google to go in depth with the results being provided and the advertisements being served. Will Google and Facebook once again be neck and neck in this competition? With the new features that both companies are introducing, this certainly looks like a tough fight to win over the customer.

Snapchat Introduces Multi-Record And Tint Brush Feature

Snap Inc. is back in action and even though Instagram is now rivaling the pic messenger app, the folks at snapchat don’t seem to be backing out. It hasn’t been long since Instagram introduced the stories feature and took over the market by adding in features like boomerang and allowing people to manually upload pictures to their stories. Snapchat has since then introduced several different features to overtake the success of Facebook’s subsidiary social media outlet. The newest feature added to the list are multi-snap record feature and the tint brush.

Snapchat Introduces Minute-Long Video Record Feature

For years now people craved to get themselves a 1-minute snap feature. Well, Snapchat has finally introduced the feature but it comes with a twist. The Multi-record feature allows the user to record for a continuous minute and record 6 videos of 10 seconds each. The user can then select the video they want to post or can even post all videos in an order of his choice.
The second feature is sort of a photoshop-ish feature that people that love to edit things and play around with colors known as the tint brush.
The tint brush allows the user to select an area or an item, highlight it and change it to the color that they may want. The Snap Inc. owners even sent out a snap to every user on iOS explaining what the feature is like. The feature will be available to all iOS devices today and will be available to Android in the coming week. Similar to competition between Lyft and Uber, things are heating up between Snapchat and its competitors as well. Who is going to win this battle? Leave us your feedback and tell us what you think in the comments section. For Application Development news stay tuned to our blog.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Car Trouble – Lyft Announces 1 Million Rides Per Day

While it might sound impossible to beat an application like UBER in the United States, Lyft sure seems to be gaining up to the target. The app owners recently shared how Lyft has now surpassed the average of 1 million rides per day discussing the growth of the company at a very small time and accumulating operations at 80% of the United States. The statement also read that Lyft has recorded a total of 160 million rides in all of 2016 which is far less than that of UBER.
Corresponding the blog posted by arch rivals, UBER posted a statement of their own informing everyone about their 5 billionth cumulative trip worldwide. The fact that the number shifted from 2 million to 5 million in just a year is a huge surprise for many. You cannot deny the fact that the company is just way bigger than Lyft, but its correspondence to the message definitely made it clear that its aware of its competition. With a huge defeat in the middle east by arch rival Careem, UBER has now kept its eyes wide open in terms of competition. What’s surprising is the fact that even after several strikes, scandals, customer satisfaction issues and even the forced departure of Travis Kalanick, UBER still continues to stay in the lead.

With Lyft slowly gaining on UBER, it just might be possible in a few years for the competition to be neck-and-neck with the two giants. What do you think? Are you and UBER-lover or a Lyft-fan? Tell us what you think in the comments section. Looking for an application similar to UBER and Lyft? Inquire with our app engineers at CMOLDS today.
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3 Things To Keep in Mind When Developing an AI based App

From automated smartphone based AI agents like SIRI to artificially intelligent cars such as the Tesla, we’re living in an AI based world. The world is slowly becoming an artificially intelligent planet easing out several tasks that humans usually performed.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence allow pre-developed software or hardware mediums to make decisions based on the order or request by you, the user. However, there are several different concerns that seem to have risen ever since the very start of AI development. Enabling machines to make intelligent decisions all by themselves might seem like a benefit at first, but realizing that the machine is slowly starting to develop a capability to think all by itself sounds like something straight out of a terminator movie. For entrepreneurs, startups, and corporations looking to develop an artificially intelligent website, here are some things to keep in mind.

Researching AI Safety

Artificial intelligence might be beneficial in several different ways but it certainly isn’t safe at all times. With AI based drones and autonomous weapons in the making, who knows what one small decision made by the AI system can do? Sure, one speculation is to keep the borders of every nation safe and sound but other speculations also include mass casualties and devastation.
Researching AI safety is pretty important especially because all of the information is directly connected to the internet. Most AI solutions need the internet for assistance and providing valuable data in the hands of an artificially intelligent hardware or an app is an important step to take.

Beneficial Yet Destructive

Here’s a question: How exactly does AI work? Well, the correct answer should be, ’it corresponds to the users requests with the best self-thought solution.’ And yes, it sounds great at first. But hey, have you thought how destructive a machine can be thinking it’s merely following orders made by the user?
Consider the example of an AI based car. Let’s say you’re running late for a flight and you need to drive fast to reach the airport. Now, to a normal person that means driving at a slightly fast speed than normal following safety measures but to a machine it just means driving fast. Merely a small misconception can result in several injuries to fellow drivers, people crossing the road and of course you.
Hence, AI can be beneficial in a million ways but so can it be dangerous. With Superintelligence warnings all around the web, safety measures need to be taken. Think we missed out on something? Tell us what we missed in the comments section. We’re waiting desperately!
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Startup Advice – Things App Based Startups Need To Keep In Mind | CMOLDS

For a newly built application based startup, the most important task is to get stabilization into the application. However, for newly built startups, stabilization can be tough to get. There are several things that these companies need to do to achieve stabilization, however, due to lack of experience. Increasing opportunities are what these startups need to cash in on and even excellent startups need advice to get there. At CMOLDS, our excellent business analysts have different opinions that you need to keep in mind. Feel free to go through a few and share your opinions at the end of the article.

App Purpose

The app purpose is perhaps the most important off all the suggestions that you’ll go through. All of the applications built with a purpose are the applications that succeed in the industry. The app purpose needs to be kept focused on the targeted audience. If your application is built without purpose (exception for games), it isn’t going to succeed.

App Idea

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that the App Idea is undoubtedly the best asset that you currently have. The application idea needs to be kept a secret. Over the years, the only success rate for the applications depends on the uniqueness of the application. If revealed, several different agencies or startups can cash in on the idea and potentially create the app better than you ever can. So, hush! Keep the idea safe in your mind or documented somewhere safe and encrypted. Even when pitching your idea to an incubator, make sure the non-disclosure agreement is in the picture.

App Platform

The app platform is the next most important step to keep in mind. Most app startups make a huge mistake to create an app for Android and iOS but that can become a huge problem for them financially. Try understanding what platform your audience comes from. Understanding the need of platform can be an essential investment. Saving up on a platform can help a seeded startup work better and invest better.

Think we missed out on something? Go ahead and leave us your suggestions in the comments section. You can additionally get free app development consultation right here at CMOLDS.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Facebook to introduce In-App GIF Maker in iOS Apps | CMOLDS

Palo Alto – Social giant Facebook has reportedly enabled adding a new GIF maker in its iOS app. The change first came into notice through a tweet by The Next Web’s Matt Navarra who shared a screenshot of the GIF maker.

According to Mirror, The feature will be available with the slide of the finger to the left in shape of a tab inside the Camera option. The feature will allow the user to turn videos directly into GIFs for the user to share on the timeline or post as a story on Facebook. The folks have tested the feature first in the shape of Boomerang on Instagram. The feature became an instant hit and is being used by millions worldwide. Additionally, the app owners also embedded an option in WhatsApp to create a GIF from a video recorded directly through WhatsApp. This again had a brilliant response. The social giants have also embedded the GIF feature into the Facebook Messenger.

The GIF feature is currently one of the most used features on social media originating from Myspace and gaining its popularity via Tumblr. Twitter recently provided its users with the GIF feature at the start of 2016 boosting its ROI at a staggering rate. It is still one of the most used features on the website. Following its footsteps, Facebook is enabling users in using the GIF feature even in the comments section. Will this GIF revolution take its toll on the users? Is this a feature that’ll create results for several new applications? Leave your comments below and let us know what you think about the latest feature introduced by Facebook. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

3 Must-Have Features for Your Upcoming Shopping App

Have you ever wanted a feature dearly in your favorite apps? I bet you have. In fact, everyone has at some point in time. Where some people wanted the ability to edit tweets on Twitter, others merely wanted the ability to upload a snap from the phone’s photo gallery on Snapchat. As a matter of fact, some companies even capitalized on these features and won over its competition e.g. Instagram’s story feature.
Fantasizing for new features is easier when the application isn’t one that you’re making in the first place. Perhaps that is why applications with the newest and most innovative features win the race against competition. We, at CMOLDS, love to assist our customers in promoting innovation with new ideas for new applications. So, without further ado, let us talk about 3 must-have features that you can put in a shopping app.

But why build a shopping app?

Why not when the growth of mobile commerce exceeds e-commerce by around 200%? In addition, the average order value lies between 41$ to 212$ across different industries. As a retailer, distributor or a seller, the average basket value between two to three figures is huge and can’t be neglecting. You can always have an in depth look on the information provided here. So, now that you’ve got your mind in the right place in terms of creating an app let’s talk about the innovative features that can be a part of this app.

Grocery List

Sure, we’ve all seen a wish list in the application but a grocery list? Now that is new. I’m pretty sure you’ve either got an app for your notes or maybe you roam around in the grocery store with a sheet of paper. Imagine how much easier it’d be if all the groceries that you need, you can note down in the app itself. For app makers, this feature is an absolute treat as they can track and provide their customers with relevant offers, discounts, products and much more. For a marketplace, this can even be road to an advertising medium where e-shops can advertise to targeted customers.

Order Tracking

Even though most websites have already provided this feature in their applications, never has it reached a level of flawless completion. Why not be the first one? Sure it’ll take a lot of effort from the developers but nothing that our team of experts at CMOLDS can’t handle. Imagine customers tracking all of their local and international shipments in real-time. As a business analyst, I can guarantee an increase of sales by 25% which is a big number. Not to forget this could always increase it’s an estimated amount.

Virtual Reality Product Preview

Now this is where the fantasizing really starts. VR product preview can actually be a treat to people who are anxious about their products. Ever thought about how a product would look like in real life? Of course, you have. In fact, people still think twice about buying things online. Thinking about how hard it would be? It actually won’t be. A 360-degree camera is enough to photograph the products that the customer can easily view and feel satisfied with.
So, that was about it for us, tell us a bit about your fantasies. Our proven design and development team can make the most out of your ideas. Reach us today and discuss your shopping app project.