Thursday, July 13, 2017

3 Must-Have Features for Your Upcoming Shopping App

Have you ever wanted a feature dearly in your favorite apps? I bet you have. In fact, everyone has at some point in time. Where some people wanted the ability to edit tweets on Twitter, others merely wanted the ability to upload a snap from the phone’s photo gallery on Snapchat. As a matter of fact, some companies even capitalized on these features and won over its competition e.g. Instagram’s story feature.
Fantasizing for new features is easier when the application isn’t one that you’re making in the first place. Perhaps that is why applications with the newest and most innovative features win the race against competition. We, at CMOLDS, love to assist our customers in promoting innovation with new ideas for new applications. So, without further ado, let us talk about 3 must-have features that you can put in a shopping app.

But why build a shopping app?

Why not when the growth of mobile commerce exceeds e-commerce by around 200%? In addition, the average order value lies between 41$ to 212$ across different industries. As a retailer, distributor or a seller, the average basket value between two to three figures is huge and can’t be neglecting. You can always have an in depth look on the information provided here. So, now that you’ve got your mind in the right place in terms of creating an app let’s talk about the innovative features that can be a part of this app.

Grocery List

Sure, we’ve all seen a wish list in the application but a grocery list? Now that is new. I’m pretty sure you’ve either got an app for your notes or maybe you roam around in the grocery store with a sheet of paper. Imagine how much easier it’d be if all the groceries that you need, you can note down in the app itself. For app makers, this feature is an absolute treat as they can track and provide their customers with relevant offers, discounts, products and much more. For a marketplace, this can even be road to an advertising medium where e-shops can advertise to targeted customers.

Order Tracking

Even though most websites have already provided this feature in their applications, never has it reached a level of flawless completion. Why not be the first one? Sure it’ll take a lot of effort from the developers but nothing that our team of experts at CMOLDS can’t handle. Imagine customers tracking all of their local and international shipments in real-time. As a business analyst, I can guarantee an increase of sales by 25% which is a big number. Not to forget this could always increase it’s an estimated amount.

Virtual Reality Product Preview

Now this is where the fantasizing really starts. VR product preview can actually be a treat to people who are anxious about their products. Ever thought about how a product would look like in real life? Of course, you have. In fact, people still think twice about buying things online. Thinking about how hard it would be? It actually won’t be. A 360-degree camera is enough to photograph the products that the customer can easily view and feel satisfied with.
So, that was about it for us, tell us a bit about your fantasies. Our proven design and development team can make the most out of your ideas. Reach us today and discuss your shopping app project.

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