Monday, September 19, 2022

Top 10 Practices to Develop A Secure Mobile App

Mobile application security concerns the software security posture of 

mobile applications on several platforms, such as Android, iOS, and 

Windows Phone. This includes programs that are compatible with both 

mobile phones and tablets.

The prominence of mobile phones in our lives has surpassed that of desktops and 

laptop computers. Because the vast majority of mobile users spend 90 percent 

of their time on mobile apps, companies today design and create applications 

with a mobile-first mindset; consequently, it has become more essential to examine

 mobile application security and ensure that critical user information remains secure.

We understand how complex the world can be for developers. The tens of thousands 

of lines of code, the irrational demands of your customers, the never-ending cycle 

of defects and patches, the impending doom of your deadlines, and to top it all off, 

you must ensure its security! To make it happen, developers must not only determine 

the best practices but also discover a means to implement them. The following are some

 strategies that developers use to safeguard mobile applications.

Protect All Data

Every piece of data transferred through your app must be secured. 

Encryption is the process of scrambling plain text, so it is incomprehensible to 

everybody save those who know the decryption key.

When institutions such as the FBI and NSA request authorization to access 

iPhones and interpret WhatsApp communications, you can appreciate the strength 

of encryption. If they cannot break through intentionally, hackers cannot.

Cryptography Techniques

Even the most popular cryptography algorithms like MD5 and SHA1 often become 

insufficient to meet the ever-increasing security requirements.

Therefore, it is vital to remain updated with the latest security algorithm and use 

modern encryption methods like AES with 512-bit encryption, 256-bit encryption & 

SHA-256 for hashing. In addition, you should perform manual penetration testing 

and threat modeling on your applications before it goes live to ensure foolproof security.

Reduce As Much Private Information As You Can

The developers often save sensitive data in the device’s local memory rather than 

transmit it to the user’s computer. However, it is considered good practice to avoid 

keeping sensitive data since doing so may raise the danger to the system’s security.

If you have no choice but to store the data, you should use encrypted data containers 

or a key chain. In addition, be sure to reduce the log by using the auto-delete option, 

which removes data after a certain amount of time without human intervention.

Exhaustive Testing

Undoubtedly, testing is essential before the release of a mobile application; what counts 

is consistency. A developer must have the patience to test their application since 

introducing a new danger repeatedly is always possible.

Most skilled developers record problems and vulnerabilities at each level, making it 

simple for them to resolve the problems methodically until the application is completely

bug-free. In addition, regular updates and patch installations may aid in the remediation

of security concerns.

Make Use Of Authentication On A High Level

The authentication techniques of a mobile application are an essential component of 

its overall security. One of the most severe problems with mobile applications is their 

insufficient authentication. Authentication needs to be regarded as crucial from a 

safety standpoint, both from the perspective of the developer and the user.

The use of one-time passwords (OTPs), authentication codes sent to users’ email 

accounts, and, for an added layer of protection, biometric identification are all 

effective methods for implementing multi-factor authentication and making your app 

more secure.

Provide Minimal Privileges

When it comes to the safety of your app code, the notion of least privilege is often 

required. Only those people who are supposed to get the privileges should have access 

to the code; everyone else who wants to restrict the number of people with those rights 

to a minimum should not be granted access. Make an effort to limit the scope of the 

network as much as you can.


In addition to malware that sends data streams back to thieves, there is a more 

immediate hazard. It is becoming more usual for friends, coworkers, or family members 

to follow a person’s whereabouts and activities using spyware. Friends who target 

themselves are one example of this.

Even if a comprehensive anti-virus program applies specialized methods for screening 

malware of this kind, it will not be possible to eradicate this threat at the application 

level since it influences by elements that are not internal to the system.

However, security professionals may provide you with some pointers and 

recommendations on how to go around this issue so that there are no breaches of 

company-level information at the corporate level.

Implement Correct Logging

Let’s take a step back from the program now that you’ve completed a security audit, 

established a security baseline for your application, and refactored your code based 

on the auditor’s conclusions.

Let’s take a step back and examine the external elements that impact an application’s 

security. In particular, let’s examine logging. Eventually, something will inevitably go 

wrong. There will be a flaw that nobody noticed (or deemed significant enough to 

require special care) that will ultimately be exploited.

Implementing Automatic Logout Capabilities

Our customers and engineers appreciate the enhanced protection provided by 

auto-logout. The automatic logout feature will take care of the program users’ 

forgetfulness. It will automatically lock all application data after a particular time 

of inactivity.

This would also reduce the application’s background processing time to protect 

the user’s data from online predators. Time and resources are saved as a result. 

Long-term profits may be achieved by improving application security policies 

while cutting costs associated with cybersecurity breaches.

Remember that all it takes is one code injection attack to compromise the privacy 

of the data records belonging to thousands of consumers and clients. Discovering 

vulnerabilities early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) is possible if 

you use best practices.

This reveals potential security issues that might develop into serious problems 

in the future. You may save a significant amount of time and costs by swiftly finding 

vulnerabilities and mitigating such vulnerabilities at an early point in the development 



In today’s reality, the phone is the key to almost all our private data — from 

conversations to health records and bank information. When data becomes a 

valuable resource, many people want to make money from it, but some of them don’t 

want to ask for your permission. This fact makes mobile app security, not just an 

inevitable need but an added value.

Mobile app security remains the top concern among business owners and even mobile 

app development companies. But, the most important thing is to bring up-to-date


Many factors go into app development, and in a world where hacking, data leaks, and 

cybercrime are more prolific than ever, security needs to be at the top of the list when 

starting a new project. With new security challenges coming up from time to time, 

mobile app developers have a challenging task ahead of themselves.

However, any mobile app developer can lock an app in a virtual protection shield from 

hackers and security issues by adopting the above practices.

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